Diabolic Traffic Bot have hundreads of proxies ready to use instantly. All proxies are reload every few minutes from our servers that are testing proxies 24/7
- Send Unlimited Traffic To Multiple URL's
- Multi-Threading
- Random URL Referer
- Random Browser User Agent
- Limit Traffic to Send
- Random Time in Web Page
- Cookies Cleared Each Visit
- Real-Time Traffic Stats
- Private Proxies Allowed
- Real-Time Log
- Browser or Socks Mode
- Easy Script Languange
- Choose Proxy Country
- More than 4500 proxies to use
- Soundcloud Play
- Youtube Search and Play
- Simple Website Visit
- Website Visit and Random Click
- BC.VC Click Next Button
- SH.ST Click Next Button
- Amazon Search Product and Click
- Increase Website Stats
- Increase Soundcloud Plays
- Increase Views
- Increase Downloads
- Increase Votes
- Manipulate Any Analitic Software
- Manipulate Alexa Ranking
- Simulate Users
Does this traffic count in Google Analytics?
How much traffic can I get per hour?
Depend of the number of threads you use, with 50 threads you can get around 50 view every 10 seconds, 300 views/minute, 1800 views/hour
Do I need proxies?
No, the software download hundreds of tested proxies
Can I use my own proxies?
Yes, the bot can use private proxies with username and password
Can the software click in a specific part of the site?
Yes, with the integration of scripting you can simulate about anything in any webpage
Supported Operating Systems- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows Server
- .NET Frameworks 4.5
- 84MB Hard Disk Space
- Unlimited traffic full version
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